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Rhythm USA Woodgrain Blossom Clock


Rhythm USA Woodgrain Blossom Clock

This Angelic timepiece is truly a blossom beauty. At the top of the hour, the numbers rotate the presence of angels and six Swarovski crystals. Dance along the rotating numbers to 16 different melodies at the top of the hour. The clock is encased in a beautifully crafted faux burl wood frame. Clock is battery quartz operated.

  • Auto night shut off
  • Demonstration button
  • Volume control
  • On/off switch
  • Requires 2D batteries
  • Size: 15.2 inches high by 15.2 inches wide
  • Weighs 8.2 pounds


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SKU Rhythm USA 4MH828WD23 Accent Woodgrain Blossom Clock Categories , Tags , Brand: darseys furniture and mattress store in grapeland texas 75844Special
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