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Circle E Creamy Cinnamon Vanilla 43oz


Circle E Creamy Cinnamon Vanilla 43oz

Circle E makes the Creamy Cinnamon Vanilla is a smooth blend of vanilla infused with cinnamon in a cream color.

An embossed elegant container, the 43oz candle is hand poured with the highest quality wax blend and fragrances. Perfect for gift giving any time of the year, small spaces, and stocking up on your favorite scents.

Order yours today!

Shipping not included in the price of this item. If you would like a shipping quote before you place an order, please Contact us or call at (936) 687-2689.

SKU Circle E Creamy Cinnamon Vanilla 22oz-1 Categories , Tag Brand: circle e candle darseys furniture and matress store in grapeland texas 75844Circle E. Candles
Circle E. Candles combine the finest fragrances available with our own exclusive blend of the highest-quality waxes. Best of all they are made right here in Texas.

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